Avocado Oil Packs Nutrition Into Every Application

Hmmm…should you eat it with chips or rub it on your skin? Avocado is yummy either way. That’s why we absolutely love the organic avocado oil that hails from the ancient land of Michoacan, Mexico where avo’s delectable qualities were used over 10,000 years ago by Incan and Mayan tribes.

Avocado oil's delectable qualities make our BEB Organic Silky Cream…well, creamy!

Your preemie's skin can be delicate. It’s also very porous, so anything you put on it is immediately soaked into their little body, affecting its development.

If your skincare products contain fragrance, stabilizers, preservatives, colorings, and all those other chemicals in commercial “for baby” products, your baby has to combat these chemical assaults instead of using their vital energy for growing.

What your tender little preemie needs is skincare that glides on, is toxin-free, absorbs in easily, and overflows with health-filled ingredients that promote growth.

BEB Organic works every day to create nutrition-rich skincare. That's why we love avocado – it overflows with nutrition that nourishes your baby from the skin in.


Avocado Advantages[1]

Avocado oil is a go-to healthy oil because it is a nutrient and phytochemical-dense food that contains:

Antioxidants to protect all those brand-new cells your little preemie is making in the NICU. Each cell is vulnerable to stress, bacteria, chemical attack, or dehydration. But avo’s antioxidants—like lutein that helps your baby’s eyes—also work against any deteriorating effects on the cells, which promotes your baby’s growth.

Nutritional components[2] are packed into avocado’s oil: potassium, sodium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K1, folate, vitamin B-6, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, choline, lutein/zeaxanthin, phytosterols, and high-monounsaturated fatty acids.  

Oleic acid[3] is an omega-9 fatty acid found in most of our cells—in fact, it’s crucial to the health of your baby’s cell walls so they can fight pathogens and eliminate infection, transport minerals, and respond to hormones[4]. No wonder avocado oil has a well-deserved reputation for health-promoting effects – oleic acid helps reduce blood pressure, helps fight cancer, lowers cholesterol, helps prevent auto-immune flare-ups, promotes fat burning (not that your preemie needs to burn fat!), helps prevent Type 2 diabetes, promotes brain function, may help prevent ulcerative colitis, and one of the main reasons we include it in our Silky Cream—it promotes skin repair by speeding up cell regeneration.

But don’t stop there—avo oil does so many good things in your baby’s body

Reduces inflammation[5] from skin conditions like acne as well as the dry, irritated, and flaky skin of eczema and psoriasis. Eliminating inflammation helps wounds heal faster because it promotes collagen synthesis (creates new connective tissue). Your preemie is creating new tissue by the millisecond, so anything that supports that means better, easier growth for your baby.

Multiple skin benefits[6] (like moisturizing and nourishing) are another reason we love our organic avocado oil. It contains vitamin E – renown for healing our skin. Potassium, lecithin, and many other nutrients also nourish and moisturize your baby’s skin. Avocado's healthy fats help your preemie’s skin maintain its elasticity while it also helps keep their scalp soft and moisturized.

Avocado oil is easily absorbed and helps rebuild the skin’s outermost layer. And it helps your preemie’s body absorb nutrition from other foods, too[7].

When the NICU nurses say it’s OK to bring in your own skincare products, you can revel in the luxury of our 100% toxin-free Silky Cream as you massage your baby after their bath, in between medical appointments, or just for fun.

Using BEB Organic Silky Cream in the NICU gives your little baby a big dose of health-filled love.



[1] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/9-avocado-oil-benefits

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3664913/

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23278117

[4] https://draxe.com/nutrition/supplements/oleic-acid/

[5] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321543.php

[6] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321543.php

[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3664913/


Ingredients Silky Cream Updated

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