Flax Seed Oil Helps Build Your Baby's Body

The silkiness of our BEB Organic Silky Cream owes a lot to the rich effects of its organic flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil is—among other things—the best plant-based source of tumor-reducing omega-3s[1]. 

Our organic flaxseed oil from Saskatchewan, Canada is loaded with heart-healthy alpha-linolenic acid ALA (omega-3)[2].

Your baby’s body can’t produce this vital omega and must get it from their food.

Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation, improve heart heath by keeping arteries elastic, and protect the brain[3].

Our nutritious skincare products feed your baby from the skin in, and that’s why we want your baby to get the many benefits of organic flaxseed oil’s omegas.


For preemies in the NICU, good digestion and elimination are critical to growing well so they can go home with you.

Fortunately, flax helps both constipation and diarrhea[4].

And it helps reduce the growth of cancer cells[5].

As if all those benefits weren’t enough, here's another—flaxseed oil helps hydrate tender skin and increase its smoothness while decreasing roughness.

At the same time, our organic flaxseed oil helps reduce skin sensitivity to irritation. 

In the NICU, your little one is subjected to a multitude of things that can wound or irritate delicate preemie skin.


We love the organic flaxseed oil in our Silky Cream because it increases skin moisture and helps ease the inflammation caused by tape, needle pricks, and medical procedures.

Flaxseed oil’s many benefits help feed your little one from the skin in, promoting their health and their growth.

Every time you smooth Silky Cream on your baby, you’re giving them a bit of the omega-3s (among other nutritional benefits) they need for growing a healthy, strong body.  

At BEB Organic, we want our skincare products to not only soothe and uplift your baby, but to feed and strengthen them with every stroke of your loving hand.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5808339/

[2] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/benefits-of-flaxseeds

[3] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/flaxseed-oil-benefits#section1

[4] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/flaxseed-oil-benefits#section1

[5] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/flaxseed-oil-benefits


Ingredients Silky Cream Updated

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