B3 From Green Peas Feeds Baby From The Outside In

With its skin-hydrating niacinamide from green peas, our BEB Organic Soothing Serum (formerly named Healing Gel) feeds, soothes, and heals your baby from the outside in.

When your baby’s skincare is also packed with nutrition, you’re not just keeping them clean, you're helping your little one grow.

Niacinamide is also known as vitamin B3, an essential vitamin necessary for promoting and protecting healthy skin, cell health, kidney health, stabilizing diabetes progression[1], and increasing energy metabolism[2].

Niacinamide is so important, many foods are fortified with it.

But B vitamins like niacinamide are water-soluble and cannot be stored in our bodies. Consequently, we have to ingest them—or get some from our nutrition-packed skincare.

Healing Gel – BEB Organic skincare products – Luxury, health-filled skincare for preemies – premature baby - BEB Organic Bubbly Wash - BEB Organic Silky Cream - BEB Organic Healing Gel - BEB Organic Nourishing Oil - BEB Organic Diaper Balm – Kim Walls, Preemie Skincare Expert

A lack of vitamin B can cause a variety of skin issues for dry, thin newborn skin, including dermatitis.

Dry skin is weak, less protective, and more uncomfortable for your little one,

About 20% of newborns suffer through baby acne[3] irritation.

The inflammation, itching, and rashy effects of dermatitis[4] (like diaper rash) can progress into painful blisters, oozing, or flakiness.

Moisturized skin more effectively resists bacteria, regulates body temperature, stretches easily, and heals better.

That’s why we can’t get enough of the healthful effects of the green pea-sourced niacinamide in our Soothing Serum .

Mother tenderly holding her baby - BEB Organic skincare products – Luxury, health-filled skincare for preemies – premature baby - BEB Organic Bubbly Wash - BEB Organic Silky Cream - BEB Organic Healing Gel - BEB Organic Nourishing Oil - BEB Organic Diaper Balm – Kim Walls, Preemie Skincare Expert   We’ve seen time and again how this luscious gel cools irritated skin, soothes away inflammation, and helps heal weakened, red skin. 

Our BEB Organic skincare products help from morning diaper change to evening bath.

And with every stroke of your loving hand, you feed not just your baby’s skin, but their whole growing body.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30021358

[2] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/niacinamide#what-it-is

[3] https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+babies+have+acne&oq=how+many+babies+have+acne&aqs=chrome..69i57j33l2.8069j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

[4] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dermatitis-eczema/symptoms-causes/syc-20352380

Acne Healing Gel Ingredients Updated

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